Don't Worry, Be Happy

Look, a cute unicorn!

I hold my hands up... I'm a complete sucker for negative thoughts. I constantly worry about every little thing that goes wrong in my life rather than focusing on the positives. Sometimes there are moments where I feel the need to take a step back and appreciate everyone and everything I have rather than worrying about what I could, or don't have. I definitely need to try to look on the bright side during bad situations, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.

The lovely Lorin over at Curiously Lorin has set up the fabulous Unicorn Campaign to help us become more positive during our everyday lives. Her mock up of this unicorn button helps to symbolise happiness, and is a little reminder that life isn't always as bad as it may seem. 

To start things off, here are 3 things that make me super happy:

1. Good Music. There's nothing better than hearing your favourite tune come on the radio and wanting to throw some serious shapes! Having KISS FM turned up full blast on the way to work in the morning instantly puts me in a good mood and gets me ready for the day ahead.

2. Payday. Who doesn't love payday?! Especially being a fashion & beauty blogger! As soon as the money hits my bank account, I'm glued to my laptop for the entire evening picking out some beautiful new garments to fill my already cluttered wardrobe. 

3. Waking up to sunshine. I mentioned how much I love the summer months during my Liebster Award post, but I literally cannot get enough of the sunshine. It's just a shame we don't get a lot of sun here in the UK - I'd love nothing more than to live in a hot country.

Let's keep the happy thoughts going! It would be great if everyone could keep this tag going and spread the positivity through the blogging sphere.

The rules are as follows:

1. Copy or save the unicorn button. 

2. Share with your followers 3 things that make you happy and ask them to do the same. 

3. Tag bloggers who you think would love to do this! 

4. Send any pics, links to your efforts to me via the comments on Lorin's original post.

Here are a few bloggers I would like to share the positivity!:

Emma at Essays and Wine

Kelly at Tinkerbell Kelly

Laura-Lee at LauraLeeLou

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